If impacted teeth affect your smile, dentists offer you a couple of dental restoration options: veneers vs. crowns as excellent to fix the defects in the teeth. If you aren’t aware of these restorations, dentists will explain the differences between them and how they help cover your dental defects to give you a beautiful smile.
When considering restoring defective teeth with veneers or crowns, various factors require consideration because these restorative solutions function differently, covering just the surface or the entire tooth. Therefore you must decide carefully before you commit to a treatment process requiring multiple visits to a dentist near you, besides considerable expenditure to strengthen and make aesthetic movements to your smile.
Veneers are thin layers of porcelain or other material approximately a millimeter thick bonded to the tooth’s front surface.
Crowns are approximately 2 mm thick, created from porcelain or porcelain fused to metal and encase the entire tooth.
Whether you need crowns or veneers depends on the condition of your teeth and the problems you are trying to fix. Everyday situations where you can consider crowns and veneers include if you have discoloured, chipped, cracked, or broken teeth besides decayed and weakened or crooked teeth. However, it would help if you visited your dentist to determine which option best suits your needs because these solutions serve different purposes.
Whether you consider getting dental crowns or veneers to strengthen your teeth or make them appear better, it helps if you try to understand the veneers vs. crowns: treatment process because the information prepares you for fixing your teeth defects appropriately for the best results.
Before you decide on crowns or veneers, you also prepare better if you understand the veneers vs. crowns: cost comparison and prepare financially to pay out of pocket because your dental insurer will not support restorations to improve your aesthetic appearance.
You must also try to understand the pros and cons of veneers or crowns to decide which option best suits your needs when you discuss fixing the defects with your teeth using either option. Preparation is crucial when considering solutions like veneers and crowns because these restorations stay on your teeth for a lengthy period if you maintain them as suggested by your dentist.
The veneers vs. crown: treatment process is almost similar, with your dentist removing tooth structure from the surface or the entire tooth waiting for two to three weeks for the dental lab to fabricate your restoration before returning to the dentist to have it bonded over your tooth. The process is painful, but the dentist gives you local anesthesia to minimize discomfort as they reduce tooth structure to accommodate the restorations. You also receive temporary acrylic veneers or crowns to wear over your teeth and care for them appropriately to ensure you don’t damage them.
Before getting your permanent restorations, you might wonder about dental veneers vs. crowns: durability. However, you can rest assured both options will stay on your teeth for over a decade and beyond with proper dental hygiene and regular visits to our dentist for dental examinations and cleanings.
Considering between dental restorations and trying to determine which are better veneers or crowns helps if you understand the damage your teeth have suffered and will determine which solution suits your needs better.
For example, if you have chipped, broken, cracked, severely discoloured, Misshapen and gapped teeth, you will find dental veneers in Mississauga, ON, an excellent remedy to improve the aesthetic appearance of your teeth to complement your smile. Dental veneers help cover the front surfaces of your teeth, most visible when smiling and keep them hidden for over a decade with appropriate care, as mentioned earlier.
On the other hand, if you have a severely decayed or damaged tooth, dental crowns in Mississauga, ON, serve as a better option because they help encase the entire tooth, offering protection, strength, aesthetic appearance, and functionality while helping preserve your natural tooth from extraction. Therefore when considering dental restorations, you must discuss your needs with the Mississauga provider who helps assess the optimal therapeutic options for your teeth that will serve your functional and aesthetic needs with one treatment.
Forest Park Dental Arts is an excellent place to visit if you have damaged teeth impacting your smile and need restorations. Consult them today to assess whether you need veneers or crowns to fix your impacted teeth for functionality and aesthetics.
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