Can You Get Invisalign with Dental Fillings? Here's the Truth

Can You Get Invisalign with Dental Fillings? Here's the Truth

Jul 06, 2023

Are you thinking about getting Invisalign with fillings? If yes, well you can receive Invisalign even if you have cavities. But before obtaining the invisible trays, orthodontists frequently advise treating your cavity. With the help of removable orthodontic treatment and fillings, you can straighten your teeth to improve your smile or address bite problems. Remember, your teeth will straighten more effectively if you do it gradually.

If you fill a cavity before treatment, the pressure from the aligners won’t start until your tooth has a chance to recover. A filling may also alter the size and form of the tooth, necessitating the need for new aligners, allowing you to spend more. Thus, getting Invisalign while having fillings and aligner-based orthodontics is not problematic!

How Can You Prevent Cavities During Invisalign Treatment?

Poor oral hygiene during Invisalign treatment may result in the development of cavities in the mouth. ​Your dentist will help you determine the Invisalign candidacy with dental restorations. Before getting your aligners fitted, dentists highly advise repairing the cavity. Do the following things to avoid cavities when getting Invisalign treatment:

Attend Regular Dental Checkups 

Visit the dentist at least twice a year to check your dental fillings and teeth straightening. Your dentist can identify possible issues and enamel degradation during routine checkups before they develop into cavities. It enables the dentist to discuss the problem with you before the necessity for treatment.

Clean Your Aligners 

Before reapplying your aligners to your teeth, clean them as needed. ​Clear aligners and dental fillings prevent oral health issues by eliminating any bacteria that may have accumulated on the tray. Establish the practice of rinsing your tray daily. However, remember to clean your teeth first!

Reduce Sugar Consumption 

Sugary foods and drinks are delicious to consume but are bad for our teeth. You can avoid cavities by consuming less sugar and foods that can stick to your teeth. After a meal, you can also smack on some sugar-free gum. The gum encourages the production of saliva, which protects your teeth.


After each meal, carefully wash your teeth with a toothbrush with soft bristles. Spend two minutes doing it at least three times each day. But avoid vigorous brushing. Brushing can assist in keeping your enamel strong and plaque and dangerous germs away. Furthermore, soak your aligners to make sure they are thoroughly clean.

Always Floss Daily

To get rid of any plaque, sugar, or food particles lodged in the region, you should floss your teeth too. If you floss properly, your teeth will remain secure and don’t have a risk of acquiring any extra bacteria. Even an interdentally brush works well.

Drink More Water

You must drink water if you want to be healthy overall. The Our dentist near Mississauga, ON at Forest Park Dental Arts advises you to drink water while wearing your Invisalign aligner trays. Before you clean your teeth, it can remove food residue lodged there.

Avoid soda, juice, candies, and mints. Cavities and dental decay can result from eating sweets or drinking beverages with added sugar. Furthermore, drinking water can help keep your mouth moist and help wash away hazardous germs.

Avoid Smoking

Using tobacco products, including cigarettes, can lead to several oral health issues. The effects of smoking include gum recession. It can alter how the aligners fit over the teeth. So during Invisalign treatment, quit or reduce your smoking. 

What Effects May a Filling Have When Receiving Invisalign Treatment?

Finding restorations or fillings that perfectly match any aligner is tough to find. If the filling is excessively large, it may cause ineffective motions since it will damage the aligner tray soon. But the aligner wouldn’t make any contact with the tooth’s surface if there was less filling than was needed.

The simplest method to prevent the issues stated above is to choose the right size of the filling and have proper placement. The installation of fillings is simple with an Invisalign procedure. To ensure that the fillings are the ideal size and fit, you must bring your aligners along with you to your dental clinic as a reference.

Interested in knowing how Iinvisalign® in Sault Ste. Marie, ON can help you get a smile that is as healthy as it can be. We invite you to get in touch with our orthodontist today.

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